Monday, March 23, 2020

The Best Documentaries on Yoga and Meditation

The Best Documentaries on Yoga and Meditation Yoga and Meditation: The Best Documentaries ChaptersWhat is Yoga?The Different Types of YogaWhat is Meditation for?Yoga and Meditation on YouTubeThe Best Yoga and Meditation DVDsHave you been struggling to relax? If you need to rejuvenate, practising yoga and meditation are great ways to do it, both in group classes or on your own at home.Breathing exercises, stretching, relaxing... What’s the difference between yoga and meditation? What are the benefits of yoga and meditation when you’re overworked? How do you do it?Just follow our advice and soon you’ll be benefitting from both.The Different Types of YogaThere are plenty of different types of yoga with the most common types in the West being Hatha yoga and Vinyasa yoga.Hatha YogaThis is the oldest and most traditional style of yoga. Hatha yoga brings together your mind, body, heart, and soul. Anyone can do this types of yoga since there are different levels of difficulty in terms of poses and breathing exercises and it focuses on flexibility and relaxation.Concentratin g on your breathing can help you disconnect from the modern world and all the stresses that come with it. Poses like the sun salutation can help you combat back pain.Vinyasa YogaVinyasa yoga focuses on transitioning from one pose to another fluidly while controlling your breathing. It’s freer than Ashtanga yoga and encourages more creativity as you can choose the order in which you move from position to position.Vinyasa yoga is quite upbeat, too, it’s for those who are quite happy to break a sweat.Discover also how you could practise yoga as a runner...Ashtanga YogaThis type of yoga is rather dynamic and is for those in great shape. It was originally created to train men in the art of war and includes a number of “warrior poses”.You move quickly from one position to another and hold certain positions while you focus on deep breathing. Ashtanga yoga strengthens muscles and improves flexibility.There are some newer types of yoga like Acroyoga, which brings together asanas, acr obatics, dancing, and Thai massage!If you like heights, try Anti-gravity Yoga, where you’re attached to ropes and move from one pose to another while barely touching the ground! Before you meditate, get yourself strapped in.Depending on your situation, there are several other styles of yoga you could look at:Prenatal YogaKundalini YogaDynamic YogaThe Yoga of SoundYoga NidraFind out how you can begin practising yoga at home...choosing the right yoga mat...The Best Yoga and Meditation DVDsBasic Yoga Workout for Dummies, Sara IvanhoeThis yoga programme for beginners was put together by experts and is presented in a fun way. You’ll master the twelve essential yoga poses, breathing techniques, and how to relax and tone your muscles with yoga positions.Learn more about yoga and meditation from the comfort of your own home with videos. (Source: Free-Photos)Yoga for Absolute Beginners, Susan FultonLearn quickly and become more flexible thanks to these exercises for beginners. The yoga p oses are clearly explained and you can get your body moving along the relaxing music. Perfect for starting out.Beginners Meditation Mindful Stretching with Nadia NarainThis meditation for beginners has some great advice on how to integrate meditation into your daily life. The programmes are between 5 and 10 minutes in length and are great for:BreathingStress releaseRejuvenationStretchingSelf-appreciation, etc.Yoga to the Rescue for Back Pain, Desire RumbaughDo you have back problems? Go with methods designed to improve your back muscles and alleviate back pain. You’ll also get rid of tension.You’ll soon start feeling so much better!I found a great London yoga teacher on Superprof by searching yoga classes near me!Now find the answers to all of your yoga questions in our FAQ...

Friday, March 6, 2020

Spanish Vocabulary 61 Words Phrases for Daily Activities

Spanish Vocabulary 61 Words Phrases for Daily Activities Suzy S. When youre learning a new language, using  basic vocabulary throughout  your day is a  great  way to make progress. Especially if youre teaching Spanish to kids, common phrases and words  are easy to learn and easy to incorporate into your daily activities, from the moment you wake up (Buenos días)  to getting ready for bed  (Que descanses)! To get you started,  our friends at Spanish Playground  shared a helpful printable of common Spanish phrases to use with kids, which can be printed out and posted where your family can see it. Heres a preview: Download the full printable of all 61 common phrases in Spanish here, and make sure to check out the other resources Spanish Playground has available! Readers, what other common phrases in Spanish have you learned? Let us know by leaving a comment below!   Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Online Physics Tutor

Online Physics Tutor Online Physics Tutors Physics is a branch of Science that studies Matter and Energy and their related concepts. Many students find Physics threatening due to its complex concepts. Tutor Pace provides Online Physics Tutor who make Physics easy to understand with their innovative solutions. Their one to one interactive tutoring sessions make Physics interesting to learn. Tutor Pace has certified tutors for Physics Online Tutoring and thus helps students pick up answers for even the most intricate questions in a minute. The Company has an array of qualified and expert tutors who break up the most complex concepts in easy language and help students do their homework assignments with ease. Physics Homework Help from Tutor Pace is useful for doing one word problems in Physics and there are many worksheets and practice sheets available for students to practice in problem solving and improve their skills. The online calculators available for Physics also are for the student use in solving problems and complete their tasks on time. Tutor Pace website is easy to access and is user friendly in its infrastructure. It is mobile friendly and helps students clarify their doubts in Physics anywhere around the world at any time. The Website provides free demo sessions for the benefit of students and provides access to them to pick up their favorite tutor and interact with him to get insights about complicated ideas in Physics. Students connect to Online Physics Tutor of Tutor Pace through Skype, white board and text messaging or email. The response is immediate and the solutions are rapid from the end of the certified tutors. The tutors guide the students in Physics homework, test prep, comprehensive study material, core standard syllabus, lab reports, homework assignments, problem solving and help them enhance their grades in the subject of Physics. They guide students of all Grades in Regular Honors AP Physics B and C. The tutors offer Physics help in the following topics

How to Ace Your College Research Paper

How to Ace Your College Research Paper A common assignment that confounds many college students is the well-known and often dreaded research paper. Your professor asks that you use a variety of scholarly sources, but what exactly does that entail? And how can you find these sources? The following research strategies will help you ace your college research paper quickly and easily. Pick the right topic College research papers usually require that students select a topic of their choice. Compile a list of a few topics that appeal to you. Do some preliminary research using Internet search engines to ensure that there is sufficient information on the topics you have brainstormed. Then, meet with your professor to find out what he or she thinks would be the best topic for you to select. It is vital that the topic you select for your research paper is feasible. You must consider the assignments deadline, your understanding of the subject matter, and how much research information exists on the subject. An obscure topic could equate to weeks of unproductive, frustrating research and a low-quality paper. Here are some helpful tips for writing an essay. Use your schools online databases It is likely that your college library maintains a system of virtual databases. These typically allow you to access a vast supply of scholarly journals for free on any of your librarys computers. Most colleges allow access to their database systems through the librarys webpage. Ask a school librarian for the password, or if prompted, sign in with your school ID. Using an online database system is an efficient way to access high-quality scholarly information. Within each database system, there is typically a feature to locate specific databases by subject, such as anthropology or chemistry. Be sure to take advantage of the search tools within each database itself, which can save you a great deal of time. You can often find detailed information within a few seconds of searching. Research experience is important for grad school applications, so this may be your chance to prove you have what it takes if you plan to go on to grad school! Another benefit to using online databases is the ability to cite a source online (A.P.A., M.L.A, etc.). This capability makes it simple for you to select and generate the appropriate citation type. You can then paste the proper citation onto the Works Cited page at the end of your paper. Ask your professor which style is preferred for the class. Take advantage of your library and ILL Visit your schools library and explain to a librarian that you are working on a research paper. Librarians can provide you with the support you need to locate useful texts as sources for your paper. Large universities often have specialized libraries with reference librarians who are qualified to help you access specific material in a wide array of subjects, such as psychology or geology. Specialized libraries can make finding precise information much easier. If you cannot locate a particular printed text, or if a journal article is not immediately available from your library, consider utilizing your schools ILL service. ILL stands for interlibrary loan. With an interlibrary loan, you can typically obtain a physical or electronic copy of the text that you need at no cost from another library. An interlibrary loan will rapidly provide you with the resources you require. Sometimes, loans can even arrive the same day you make the request! Move from general to specific sources Begin your research by seeking out sources that broadly examine the topic you wish to study. These less specific yet pertinent sources can direct you toward other sources that are more precise. Inquire with your professor or TA about helpful general sources that discuss the subject you are researching. Try to constantly watch for additional sources. While reading a source, whether it is more general or more specific, be sure to review the footnotes and bibliography. By doing so, you will likely find a plethora of other relevant and credible references to point out in your research paper. These are some great tips to help you organize your notes. If you pinpoint your focus on the above strategies, your college research paper should come together quite effectively. Best of luck!

How Do Singing Styles Differ By Genre

How Do Singing Styles Differ By Genre Suzy S. How do vocal techniques change as you sing different styles and genres? Check out the video below as Brighton, MA vocal teacher Jacquelynn W. explains why its important to understand the style differences between genres, such as vibrato technique, use of chest voice and head voice, and diction. Want more? Check out our comprehensive guide to different singing genres and styles!   Jacquelynn W. teaches singing, Broadway singing, flute, music theory, opera voice, songwriting, speaking voice and acting lessons to students in Brighton, MA. She received her Bachelors degree in Vocal Performance from Berklee College of Music, and joined the TakeLessons team in October 2012. Find out more about Jacquelynn, or find a teacher near you! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher

Why you shouldnt take test prep advice from Homer Simpson

Why you shouldnt take test prep advice from Homer Simpson Homer Simpson provides test prep advice you should not follow!Depending on how familiar you are with the Simpsons oeuvre, you might remember an episode where Mr. Burns decides that he needs a male heir in order to pass on his fortune.  Naturally, Homer encourages Bart to audition for the part of Burns’ heir.  Bart, relying on Homer’s inept guidance, bungles the audition and misses out on the chance to inherit the fortune.  As the Simpson family walks out afterwards, Homer passes on some fatherly advice: “Kids, you tried your best, and you failed miserably.  The lesson is, never try.”Of course, no one is looking to Homer Simpson for test prep advice.  But the reality is that many students fall into the “Homer mindset”: I really tried my best on that homework/practice test/actual test and didn’t do well, so game over.  I’m never going to do better on the SAT!Where does failure occur during the process of test preparation?  It can happen during a tutoring session no matter how the tutor tries to explain that tricky algebra concept, the student just doesn’t get it.  It can happen on a homework assignment the student understood the reading comprehension strategy during the tutoring session, but can’t focus and complete the reading section at home.  It can happen on a practice test time runs out and the student only got through half of the math section.And of course, failure can happen on the big kahuna the actual test.  Anxiety got the best of her; he forgot how subject-verb agreement works; her calculator batteries died during the math section.  You try your best and just don’t get the score you want.So what do you do when you’re confronted with failure during test prep?  You see failure correctly for what it is: a learning opportunity.Many students are practically allergic to making mistakes in front of their tutors, preferring instead to maintain the illusion of perfection.  This attitude is typical of the “fixed mindset ”.  Carol Dweck, the pioneer of mindset thinking, defines the fixed mindset as one in which “students believe their basic abilities, their intelligence, their talents, are just fixed traits.  They have a certain amount and that’s that, and then their goal becomes to look smart all the time and never look dumb.”Here at AJ Tutoring, we do everything in our power to break down the fixed mindset in our students.  The fixed mindset is the enemy of true learning and improvement on the SAT or ACT.  The fixed mindset denies students the chance to take risks, learn from mistakes, and experience the satisfaction that comes from working hard and mastering a skill.  In the end, you will only improve your SAT score if you’re willing to get questions wrong and then figure out how to get them right.Theorizing about failure in a blog post is one thing, but what do we tell our students when they fail?  How do we reconceptualize failure so our students can see it as a good thing?  Le t’s revisit the “failure points” during test preparation.Failure to understand a concept during the tutoring session.When a student has a hard time understanding a concept during a tutoring session, it usually comes down to one of two things: either they’re weak on fundamentals, or they’re terrified of “looking dumb” in front of their tutor.  If the student is weak on fundamentals ( for example, they can’t solve a system of equations because they don’t know how to solve one equation for one variable), the tutor can usually diagnose this issue quickly.  The sooner a student “fails” on a problem, the easier it is for their tutor to figure out the true issue and backtrack to the more elementary concept.  And if the student doesn’t want to miss a problem and look dumb, this too is helpful information.  It tells the tutor something about the student’s mindset towards failure and allows the tutor to take appropriate steps to change that mindset.This could lea d to your greatest success.Failure on a homework assignment.Sometimes a student understands a concept during the tutoring lesson, but can’t execute on the homework assignment.  Failure on a homework assignment tells us something important too either the student didn’t understand the concept as well as we thought they did (in which case, time to review), the student rushed through the assignment, or the student didn’t apply the correct strategies on the assignment.  In all of these cases, failure tells us more about the student’s approach to SAT prep when he’s on his own.   All of these problems are correctable given enough time.Failure on a practice test.Students (and parents) often expect great improvement on practice tests.  Sometimes students get a solid score improvement on a practice test, and sometimes they don’t.  As part of AJ Tutoring’s SAT and ACT prep process, we ask students to take at least 3 practice tests, and then we review those results with stude nts in their next tutoring session.  Reviewing practice tests with students is instructive it allows us to see exactly what happened if a student “failed”.  I had a frustrating situation with an ACT student last year whose practice test scores kept going down, even though he was doing great in our sessions.  After the third declining practice test score, he and I sat down for a serious discussion.  It turned out that the student was staying up late and then had a hectic morning of driving his siblings around before coming to our office for his test.  By having that discussion during his prep, we made sure that he didn’t repeat the same pattern on test day.  Sure enough, he got sleep the night before the actual test, and his ACT score went up by 5 points!Failure on the actual test.This is the scenario that strikes fear into the hearts of students and parents everywhere.  How is it possible to turn a test day failure into a net positive?  For starters, almost all studen ts take the SAT and ACT more than once.  It’s rare that students get the score they’re looking for on the first try.  Every time you take the test, even if you don’t achieve your goal score, you get a little more test-taking experience and you learn more about how you operate on test day.  And once you get your scores back, you know which sections and concepts you need to review for future tests.Do you see the common thread here?  Failure gives us more information.  Rather than seeing failure as a reflection of your intelligence, try to see failure as a diagnostic tool that helps you do better on the next homework assignment or test.Paul Tough’s book How Children Succeed is a worthwhile read on the factors that influence success in school.  Chapter 3 looks at the unorthodox teaching methods of a middle school chess teacher in Brooklyn, Elizabeth Spiegel, who is able to lead her team to unexpected success.  Spiegel’s teaching method is so unusual because she focuses on her students’ failures, analyzing wrong moves and bad games with the class until they deeply understand the right moves.Spiegel tries to lead her students down a narrow and difficult path: to have them take responsibility for their mistakes and learn from them without obsessing over them or beating themselves up for them. How Children SucceedWhen interviewed for the book, Spiegel noted, “It’s uncomfortable to focus so intensely on what you’re bad atIf you really want to get better at chess, you have to look at your games and figure out what you’re doing wrong.”The same thing is true in test prep if you really want a higher score on the SAT or ACT, you have to confront your failures head-on and figure out what you’re doing wrong.  For the student who is brave enough to do this, the rewards are many a higher test score, yes, but also the confidence to take risks, to sometimes fail, and to learn from that failure and do better the next time.[Note: Many adults have a hard time with failure, let alone high school students.  Failing well is a learned skill!  Our SAT and ACT tutors are happy to help guide your student toward testing success.  Please reach out to us for more information!]

Remembering Sunscreen Talking About Our Fears For The Future in English

Remembering Sunscreen Talking About Our Fears For The Future in English In our conversations in English we almost always talk about our hopes and wishes for the future. Talking about our fears and worries for the future is another important part of language.Let’s explore this now.What words should I use? To talk about our fears we can say…I worry that (or I am worried that)…I am afraid that….I am fearful that…I am scared that…orI am concerned about…I am anxious about…I am apprehensive about…I am uneasy about…I am nervous about…..What are your fears?Some possible global fears include:The international recession,The rising cost of living,The environmental disasters currently ravaging the planet,The pollution of rivers and oceans.Some possible personal fears include:Bad health,Credit card debt,Relationship problems,Not achieving our professional goals.Expressing our fearsWhen we use the word that in our expressions, it is usually followed by the verb to be:I worry that the economic recession will not improve.I am afraid that the cost o f living will keep rising.However, when we use about, we do not use the verb to be:I am apprehensive about credit card debt.I am uneasy about the future of my relationship.Here is a hit song about dealing with our worries for the future, Baz Luhrmann’s Everybody’s Free (To Wear Sunscreen).What does Luhrmann say about worrying about the future?What are the pieces of advice listed in the song that you find most helpful?Did you find this blog interesting? Feel free to share it on Facebook.

Medical Mistakes Possibly The Third Biggest Cause Of Death

Medical Mistakes Possibly The Third Biggest Cause Of Death Photo Via: In case you didn’t know, the No. 3 cause of death in the United States, behind both cancer and heart disease, is actually medical mistakes. These mistakes include anything from surgical disasters to accidental drug overdoses. In fact, Dr. Martin Makary and Michael Daniel from Johns Hopkins University medical school actually said that these preventable, medical mistakes actually cause anywhere from 200,000 to 400,000 deaths a year in the United States. How did they get this number? They did a careful, extensive count of these deaths. According to them, the only way to change this problem is to put a number to it. According to the duo, “If medical error was a disease, it would rank as the third leading cause of death in the U.S.” To put this into perspective, cancer and heart disease (the No. 1 and two causes of death in the U.S.) are actually extremely close when it comes to numbers. According to NBC News, “In 2012, 24 percent of all deaths were from heart disease 599,711 to be precise. And 582,623 deaths, or 23 percent of the total, were from cancer.” The actual No. 3 cause of death according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (also known as COPD). This disease actually causes 149,000 deaths a year. But the estimated number of deaths caused by medical mistakes (250,000 a year), would easily surpass this number. According to Makary: “We spend a lot of money on cancer and heart disease but we have not even recognized that medical error is the third leading cause of death in the United States. We have not as a country recognized the endemic problem of people dying from the care that they receive rather than the illness or injury for which they seek care.” Of course, this is a huge problem, and one that’s getting almost no attention. And this problem dates back to at least 1999, when the Institute of Medicine reported that over 98,000 people died every year from medical errors. Since this time, there have been many other studies, all of which report larger numbers, including this study, which goes as high as 400,000 deaths per year. So why exactly is this a problem? Well, for one thing, these errors aren’t typically recorded on death certificates. So not only are these mistakes being made, but they also aren’t being studied or, at the very least, changed. According to Makary: “Our national health statistics puts out a list of most common causes of death in the United States each year. That list is a big deal. It informs all of our research funding priorities and all of our public health campaigns … The medical coding system was designed to maximize billing for physician services, not to collect national health statistics, as it is currently being used.” This coding system is known as the International Classification of Disease code (ICD). Makary and Daniel analyzed the medical death rate from 2000 to 2008 using four different studies and came up with an estimated 250,000 deaths annually just from medical mistakes. And where does this land it? According to Makary, “That places it well above the current number three cause of death even using the lowest estimate. Ashish Jha, a Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health professor, says, “I see it almost every day in the hospital, some complication, somebody who’s admitted to the hospital, somebody who’s either severely disabled or occasionally even people who die from medical errors.” So the medical mistakes are actually being documented, though there’s such a variation as to what qualifies as a medical mistake. These mistakes can include infection, errors in surgery and even something as simple as a lack of follow-up. According to Jha: “When I look at this number or 250,000, it rings true for me. I think it’s a real number, and it matches what I see in hospitals every day. You know hospitals are really busy places, so this is not about doctors or nurses not being careful. I find most physicians, most nurses, are extremely diligent, hard-working, trying to do the right thing.” But still, doctors and nurses are still human, and mistakes are bound to happen. Even something as simple as giving a patient the wrong prescription can cost a life, so these mistakes are simply higher stake. According to Makary: “Patients falling through the cracks, patients discharged without adequate instructions on where to go to next, patients who we know are non-compliant with their medication continuing to be non-compliant while we have a disconnect with their medical system.” Still, the goal here isn’t to blame doctors and nurses. Instead it’s to bring this issue to light, and make a change. According to Makary: “Human error will always be in medicine and we will never get rid of human error but we can design systems to mitigate the impact and reduce the frequency of human error Not all complications are preventable. In this analysis we look specifically at complications that were considered preventable because substandard care was administered.” While we’re nowhere near where we need to be in terms of decreasing these medical mistakes (and bringing them to administrators’ attention), hospitals are making fewer mistakes, and hopefully the near future will see an even bigger decrease until there are so few that it’s no longer a concerning issue.